New York Flight pictures, November 2004

Something different. I need to go for business to New York. I do not have time for sightseeing but I took my camera with me for some pictures out of the airplane.
I took some nice pictures but in particular the good view while approaching Berlin was spoiled by backlight of the sun. For getting better pictures I need to take this kind of pictures in the evening.
Lufthansa managed to assign the same seat to both of us. Nice trick which created some entertainment while changing the airplane in Frankfurt

Cloud formations between Berlin and Frankfurt. The small bright spot is a lake reflecting the sunlight

Sunrise over Rotterdam. The yellow patches are green houses with light on

River valleys filled with morning fog

Flight impressions

Frankfurt International Airport from 39,000 feet elevation

Cloud layers. The upper layer puts a shadow onto the layer below

Approach to Berlin starts. Groß Köris at Autobahn A13. On the other side of the Autobahn Lake Zemminer See, Lake Schweriner See, Lake Teupitzer See and on my side of the Autobahn Lake Kleiner Moddersee, Lake Großer Moddersee and Lake Klein Köriser See

Lake Pätzer Hintersee close to Pätz, Bestensee

Königswusterhausen - River Dahme gets crossed by Autobahn Berliner Ring. In the front Lake Krüpelsee, behind it to the left Lake Krimnicksee

More lakes: Krossinsee, Großer Zug, Zeuthener See

To the left Zeuthener See, below Seddinsee, on top Große Krampe and Langer See

Lake Teufelssee and Müggel tower

Lake Müggelsee and Friedrichshagen

City train station Friedrichshagen

Country road B1/B5 Dahlwitz (Hoppegarten)

City train station Birkenstein

Hönower Siedlung. The structure in the left middle is Mahlsdorf-Nord/Dahlwitzer Straße. To the lower right a part of horse race track Hoppegarten

In a distance chimneys of combined heat and powerplant Lichtenberg, in front of it Marzahn

Marzahn in backlight with view over Ahrensfelde, to the lower left Park Wuhletal

City train station Ahrensfelde, in the middle crosses Wuhletalstraße road

Almost nothing to recognize: View to the city center with TV tower

Barely to see in lower part of the picture the planetarium at Prenzlauer Alle

In the middle City Train station Bornholmer Straße. Below it goes towards Pankow, to the right it goes to City Train station Wollankstraße. In the upper right City Train station Gesundbrunnen and the upper left leads to City Train Station Schönhauser Allee

Somewhere in Wedding shortly before landing