New York, December 2004

New York again. Just a month after I have been there with my collegue Andreas we had to return there to assist with an IT project. This time we have reserved some time for sightseeing. We went there a day earlier and had a Sunday for a big tour through Manhattan
The flight
Andreas smokes the last cigarette in freedom

Approach to Frankfurt

Waiting for take-off

Blue sky

Leaving Europe from Iceland

An interesting cloud trench which extends over many miles

Heavy sea from 35,000 feet

First contact with America in Newfoundland

Andreas is hungry

Approach to Newark - nice scenery with artificial ski slope

Evening mood just before landing

On Newark airport we get welcomed with the skyline of Manhattan

Sightseeing in New York
It is pouring down. We are at the bus stop waiting for the bus to New York. We will have an hour ride. And it is raining cats and dogs.

First stop Starbucks

42nd Street in rain

Times Square in rain

Grand Central Station wrapped in black and behind it Chrysler building

Innen in Grand Central

Christmas decoration

Andreas in rain in front of Empire State Building

Tom in full rain gear in Empire State Buildung

Zero visibility. Outside deck closed. Whatever

There is something to see

Madison Square Park and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower

At Madison Square Park Broadway and Fifth Avenue cross. This is where the Flatiron Building is located

Strange and windowless building on our way to Washington Square Park

Ground Zero

Battery Park. Andreas is in front of the sculpture "The Sphere" which was placed in front of World Trade Center and survived destruction almost untouched. It is now a memorial for the victims

The city is full of squirrels. Finally I got one in front of my camera

Ferry ride to Staten island and back passing Statue of Liberty and view to Verrazano Narrows bridge and on the way back with view to Manhattan skyline

The next ferry in front of Verrazano Narrows Bridge

Skyline of Manhattan

Brooklyn Bridge and behind it Manhattan Bridge.

From Battery Park we took the Subway up to 86th Street in order to proceed with sightseeing at Guggenheim museum

Back to Sixth Avenue (Avenue of the Americas)

Rockefeller Center is where New York celebrates Christmas. Ice rink and Christmas tree are already there but the tree still needs decoration.

We closed the tour at Times Square. Quite busy in the early evening and quite impressing

Morning mood in Montvale, NJ

The flight back
Airport operations at Continental Airlines terminal in Newark

Morning mood over Europe